Go through and check all the checklist steps to ensure you did everything required to start a new project. After that, you can delete this page.
- [ ] Create project on all services by following the instructions
- [ ] Rename the project’s Notion page [Project name]
- [ ] Fill out the brief inside the project’s Notion page
- [ ] Replace yellow background description content and replace it with the content relevant for the project
- [ ] Share project’s Notion page with PM with Full access permission
- [ ] Replace the rest of the yellow background description content (if something is left) and replace it with the content relevant for the project
- [ ] Share project’s Notion page with with the rest of the team with Can edit permission
- [ ] Setup the timeline - start by removing the default tasks
- [ ] Share project’s Project management page with the client using the Can edit permission
- [ ] Delete this page when everything is checked